We need a definition

Recently posters on the Cobourg News site have made references to “leftwing radical ideology”. When challenged to define it so the rest of us know what the poster means, by the phrase, the posters ignore the challenge and stay quiet. That leads me to believe that they don’t know what it means but are quite happy to repeat buzzwords and memes to impress other people.

So to help me out I went to my fave reference site Wikipedia for a definition. I couldn’t find one for  “leftwing radical ideology” but I did find “Left Wing Politics”. Left-wing politics support social equality and egalitarian, often in opposition of social hierarchy. Left-wing politics typically involve a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are social injustices that need to be reduced or abolished. The terms Left and Right were coined during the French Revolution, the Left generally supported the French Revolution, while the Right were supportive of the traditional institutions of the Old Regime.”

A better way to explain the divide in Political thinking is to look at a picture:

So if these definitions fit do we have any “left wing radicals” in Cobourg or even more importantly who is indoctrinating our children with the ideology?

Also if we follow conventional thinking “far left wing radical” ideology would be expressed by the ideals of the Communist Party. Another question – who knows any self-admitted Communists!? It is not illegal to be one and in fact there is a registered Communist Party link here.

So where does the idea of being a good person – treat all as you would others, being tolerant to other cultures and attitudes, seeking equality for all and believing in social justice, become leftwing ideology or horrors a ‘woke person’. The next question following that is simple. If one admits to holding those values does that make you a bad person?

Being accusative I would go as far to say that if people are worried by the supposed ‘indoctrination’ of community values in the schools they have a few choices:

  • Become the Parents they want to be and teach their values at home
  • Show us where ‘indoctrination’ exists so we can know where to change if we have to
  • Become better educated in all things so that they can become thinking people instead of mouthpieces for ideologues of the “Right”. They don’t have to change their opinions just understand what it is they repeat mindlessly.

 Just my two cents worth but please if you use the phrase “leftwing radical ideology” in any posts please explain it; some of us want to know, because I believe you don’t.


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