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Category: opinion

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Pete wrote a good one!

Pete Fisher is a local boy,, born and raised in Cobourg and has worked in the news business for over thirty years. He is of a political mindset that is very different from mine. I am guessing that  if Ezra Levant had more money Pete would be working for “Rebel News” along with his buddy...


same-old same-old……..Another new Year

Another Year! Let’s forget the old year and concentrate on the New Year. That’s the cry every Jan 1st from the masses. Well some of us can’t forget the Old Year because the New Year promises more of the same. So the question for the few people who follow this Report is – “Why was...


Cobourg’s latest attempt at engaging the public fails!

The latest public engagement process in Cobourg has failed miserably. Despite the best (worst) efforts of the Town of Cobourg – come on down the communications department, this exercise fizzled out last night. A public survey – on engageCobourg, only attracted 125 written responses (.61% of the Town) after attracting approximately 350 clicks on the...


Ron DeSantis would approve!

In a move unheard of in Cobourg a local activist has been uninvited to a speaking engagement because of of her presumed activity in local “harm reduction” activities. Missy Mclean is a controversial active member of the Community. She is an activist in the “Harm Reduction” campaigns in Cobourg. She has the temerity to state...


So what’s wrong with “Town Halls”?

Town Hall Meetings are different things to different people. For instance at the last meeting of Cobourg Council Cllr Bureau thought they would be a wonderful idea, however his fellow Cllr, on the other side of the Chamber – Cllr Barber thought they would be a complete waste of his, and everybody else’s time. The...


Some thoughts written ten years ago

Governance is the process of making and enforcing decisions within an organization or society. Wiki reference here. A complicated process consisting of many moving parts. How one gets from an idea or need into legislated form takes time, diligence and care to respect all involved in the process. The Town of Cobourg has initiated a...

This woman deserves a medal  not abuse!

This woman deserves a medal not abuse!

There is a woman who lives and works in Cobourg who has put herself out in front of the pack, and she deserves support not abuse. On Monday 24th she did it again. Set herself up for a torrent of vitriol, and it came, on Facebook and on the local newsblog. Not giving an inch...

A contrast in style

A contrast in style

Two new Mayors two different styles. Obviously one is male and one female, one is brash, self described as ‘outspoken’, the other just does the job. One is in the news for what is said the other one toils in the background. A quick search on Google reveals that there are more articles about the...