Author: ben

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An Opportunity for Local Democracy

An Opportunity for Local Democracy

A thirty year tragedy is being exposed once again. Local, and well renowned, naturalist Richard Pope and the Preservation Group – Preserve Our Heritage Harbour (POHP) is again advocating for supervision and accountability with regards to the West Headland of the Cobourg Harbour. The group’s (POHP) big beef is with Council over the activities of...

Another ‘Old Debate’

Another ‘Old Debate’

Once again a ‘hoary chestnut’ emerges from the depths of Vic Hall. Read the post in “Cobourg News” here The former CDCI West Sports Field land, which was purchased from the KPR School Board is now on the agenda for consideration for redevelopment. The latest wrinkle in the Town’s efforts to get something done with...

At least he answered his email!

At least he answered his email!

In a recent article written by Cecilia Naismith about the Budget discussions at Cobourg Council Councillor Randy Barber suggested that a pay increase for the Council should be considered. Intrigued by this ‘out of the blue’ suggestion I contacted Mr Barber and asked if he could explain his comment and tell me how he spends...

Let me explain

Let me explain

Yesterday I posted that a new way of political thinking has to take place in the next Provincial Election if Doug Ford and his gang are to be defeated. I must apologise if the post only seemed half finished, because it was. I was having layout problems with the blog theme and I was concentrating...

Can you tell the difference?

Can you tell the difference?

These  pics are of the Leaders of the Opposition Parties in the Ontario Legislature Marit Stiles of the NDP and Bonnie Crombie of the Ontario Liberal Party. These people are unrecognisable to any of the population except to fellow MPPs, political pundits and nerds and geeks with a political bent. Neither are household names or...

A view from 30,000ft.

A view from 30,000ft.

This business with the 310 Division St. Emergency shelter is a mess, a BIG mess. Let’s imagine you sitting on Mars and watching the action what would you see? Angry neighbours, die-hard absolutists (Absolute in their opinion that any homeless drugged up mentally ill person is a product of their own misfortune and why should...

Dirty Politics indeed

Dirty Politics indeed

The latest post on Cobourg News has produced the most fiery posts from all of the commenters yet in the history of the blog. Boy are these people angry, sitting behind keyboards just pounding away with red hot fingers steam coming from all their body cavities. Well that sentence may be a little inflammatory but...

Hypocrites To The Core

Hypocrites To The Core

At the last Cobourg Council Meeting two things happened. Both were pertaining to the issue of homelessness and addiction.   the first one: The Task Force on Homelessness  is not a County Council committee but a group of local people, from the County, spearheaded by a Councillor from Brighton who was concerned that the issue...

Us against Them!

Us against Them!

County Council debated the issue of the County Facility at 310 Division St in Cobourg on October 16th and as usual it was the Mayor of Cobourg against the rest of Council. There are two accounts of the meeting; one written by Cecilia Naismith here and one written by Cobourg News here. To sum up...



Not much to comment on these days, Thanksgiving has come and gone and we are all thankful for many things, I had a little event that made me thankful for something we take for granted – YouTube. This website has become part of our lives and proves that nothing is unique and what ever has...