March 12, 2025
writing 2013 – 2011
2013 writing
A year’s worth of feature writing
2012 writing
Another look at Lauria Hyundai
Moving to a new site!
Spring renewals and rituals
We fix dogs
2011 Writing
A Tribute – Jim Gordon
Kelly’s Homelike Inn
A venerable business in Port Hope
Trains in the garden
Downtown Cobourg’s eateries
This couple’s dream came true
Christmas traditions
writing 2010- 2008
2010 writing
A beautiful reno in the Country
A man comfortable in his own skin
A man unused to losing
A man who is trying
A trip back in time
Christmas traditions
How tell when a recession is over
Local Travel Agents in 2010
2009 writing
The Laurias new adventure
New moves – old style
The end of the Pontiac name in Cobourg
Chomitz sells
2008 writing
Cobourg’s Coffeeshops
My pal’s hobby
The Mystery Building
Jackson Homes – an explanation
Setting up a “Mancave”
what I think!
opinion latest posts
An Opportunity for Local Democracy
At least he answered his email!
Let me explain
Can you tell the difference?
A view from 30,000ft.
Dirty Politics indeed
Hypocrites To The Core
Us against Them!
A good start
An exercise in Irony
Another ‘Old Debate’
Another Zombie arrives from the dead
Can we fix this soon?
Cobourg Transit a sinkhole or a lifesaver?
County looking at Northumberland Police Force
Digging a bigger hole
Dirty Politics indeed
Done & Dusted and it’s still “deceitful”
First look at the 2023 Budget
Where we are going
Where we have been
Travel tips
Ben Bio
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