The first Trip to Downtown PV..

The first Trip to Downtown PV..

Was an eye-opener.

Travelled by bus. We have been avoiding the bus because of overcrowding, but our friends have used it and we decided to go with them to DownTown PV. Skipping the first two buses we entered the third. Fare still 10 pesos and we found a seat for each of us. Traffic was the usual good to busy but due to the Insurgentes Bridge being a victim of Hurricane Nora the bus stopped at the North of the Malecon by the lighthouse.

We were on our way to the Olas Altos area one KM away. As we meandered on the Malecon, over the bridge and into the Lazaro Cardenas Park we noticed that many white people- the tourists were maskless, usually the fit young men who walked hand in hand. We stayed masked because of our respect for the locals who did the same.

Arrived at the resto we wanted, ate a good meal (reviewed on the PV resto page), paid up and then went to have a drink on the beach, the Burro’s Bar. Had two fer one pina coladas, very milky and little rum, but tasted good.

Walked to the bus stop up the main tourist street of Basillo Badillio and then waited. The bus filled up fast and this bus unlike the bus into Town was not not air-conditioned. So the sweat glands were working overtime. One thig was different this year; in past years nobody was refused a bus ride. This year the driver tried not to overload the bus and refused to stop to pickup many times. However when somebody wanted to get off he could not control the crowds so by the time we got to where we wanted to get off, at the Marina, we had to fight our way to the front door, and we had front seats!

All in all a good day and our fear of riding the bus was overcome.


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