
Should the Town dole out Community Grants – NO!

Community Grants are anachronisms, designed to make the Citizens think that Council is supporting them. However there are downsides, especially in Cobourg. Firstly the ‘Tax-fighters’ hate them because they despise giving free money away to the detriment of their taxes. Secondly because of the tax-fighter’s influence the amount available for disbursement is paltry, in the big budget, consequently has little...

Why the Cobourg Blogs have run out of steam

Repetition and Predictability – repetition of the topics addressed and predictability in the reactions to the topics   John Draper, who owns and writes the Cobourg News does a magnificent job but really only preaches to the choir. The Choir being a noisy section of the Literati of Cobourg. Literati in the sense that they are really only the ones...

Cobourg Transit a sinkhole or a lifesaver?

Cobourg Transit a sinkhole or a lifesaver?

Some people (members of the Cobourg Taxpayers Assn. amongst others) think that transit is a sinkhole that obviously costs too much and should be abandoned. Others think that  it is an essential service and should be kept. But one thing they agree on is that the design needs to be improved and the whole system is failing. Up to a...

This is a very good start!

This is a very good start!

The local MPP, (I love photo-ops), David Piccini, came to Town on Friday and did the usual Doug Ford thing – he dropped some money  on a problem – Homelessness; that’s good. The Warden of the County gushed, blushed and said “Thank you.” But now the question has to be answered, where is the money going? In a synopsis of...

Another Zombie arrives from the dead

Another Zombie arrives from the dead

Ah, the Tannery lands and its Master Plan have emerged from the bowels of the bureaucracy to be finally placed on the shelf in a couple of weeks.  Years ago the Town, trying to make a silk purse from a sow’s ear, commissioned a Master Plan to transform an old contaminated industrial site into an urban oasis. The Site once...

Can we fix this soon?

Letter from a Downtown Business re Safety Concerns: A real community debate has emerged from this latest post on CobourgNews. The 94 comments, (as at 0945hrs 20th March) reveal a few common threads. The prevailing opinion by looking at the ‘thumbs’ up or down, is that the hardline taxfighters (clean ’em up people) on the Board are in the majority...

My two cents worth – the latest post

A good start

A good start

Yesterday – 11th of October – the Cobourg Police issued a press release read it here. The short version is simple; after a tip in the Summer an investigation was started. Yesterday a combined operation with the Port Hope Police Service and an OPP canine unit dog the Cobourg Police Service picked up a person on Division St. This led...

Pete is Angry

Pete is Angry

Boy when you have lost Pete Fisher (PF) in the local Police milieu you know that something is wrong in Politics. We know that PF has had his media disputes with the Cobourg Police Services and the Board in the past, mainly because of the lack of details/ disclosure of info in local crime. He has complained/whined about these inactions...

Let the Circus begin

Let the Circus begin

Well here we go again, off to the merger talks. In a Special Council Meeting, Thursday 10th of October, the Mayor of Cobourg Lucas (I have so many ideas) Cleveland will introduce a Notice of Motion that will enable, if passed, the Cobourg Police Services Board to enter into discussions with Port Hope and Hamilton Township to create a “West...

We need a definition

Recently posters on the Cobourg News site have made references to “leftwing radical ideology”. When challenged to define it so the rest of us know what the poster means, by the phrase, the posters ignore the challenge and stay quiet. That leads me to believe that they don’t know what it means but are quite happy to repeat buzzwords and...

Ready for the ‘Incoming!”

The war on drugs what a bloody farce! For years now Cobourg has had an underground of drug users, heck I can even remember in the 80s when it was suspected that a few Cobourg’s of prominent citizens were involved in a case involving cocaine, that collapsed when the best witness recanted his testimony. Since then we all know who...

Thank you Ken Strauss

A couple of days ago I penned a post – “Why Cobourg Blogs have run out of steam” it was written after many months of not writing. This period of inaction was part of a phase that I was going through filled with cynicism and ennui (boredom with commentary). I responded to a challenge by a fellow coffee club member...

The Resto reviews from Puerto Vallarta 2022-23

2022-23 resto reviews

The Resto reviews from Puerto Vallarta 2021-2022

The restaurants in PV.


A good start

A good start

Yesterday – 11th of October – the Cobourg Police issued a press release read it here. The short version is...

Pete is Angry

Pete is Angry

Boy when you have lost Pete Fisher (PF) in the local Police milieu you know that something is wrong in...

Let the Circus begin

Let the Circus begin

Well here we go again, off to the merger talks. In a Special Council Meeting, Thursday 10th of October, the...

We need a definition

Recently posters on the Cobourg News site have made references to “leftwing radical ideology”. When challenged to define it so...



Drag Week

Drag Week

A pal of mine retired and then found it to be boring so he took up ‘drag week’ – much...




Doreen and Ben in Prague 2017


A funeral in Amalfi, Italy. The pallbearers carried the coffin down the steps to the Main Square


The beach at Positano on the Amalfi Coast, Italy


Outdoor cafe in Athens, Greece


Storefront in Athens, Greece


The Stadium built for the first "Modern Olympic Games. Athens Greece


Tomb of the 'Unknown Soldier' in Athens, Greece


A small Church in Athens, Greece


A colourful balcony in Athens, Greece


The No. 1 attraction in Athens, Greece - the Acropolis


A Stately Home on the Bosphorus, Istanbul Turkey


A Customs House/warehouse on the Bosphorus, Istanbul Turkey


Replica "Trojan Horse" at Troy, Turkey


Riverside restaurants on the Bosphorus, Istanbul Turkey


Cafe in Istanbul, Turkey


"Blue" Mosque in Istanbul


"Sulymhan" Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey


A Spice Store in the "Grand Bazaar" in Istanbul Turkey

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