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Category: writing

Home writing
New Restrictions -papers please!

New Restrictions -papers please!

Yesterday the nearby State of Nayerit issued new regulations that shut down bars and casinos as well as large events. Restrictions were imposed on restaurants as well. Today the neighbouring State of Jalisco, where Puerto Vallarta is located announced their restrictions. Naturally because Tourism is the main industry in Jalisco their regulations are more lenient....

Crowds at the Airport

Crowds at the Airport

“Do not go to the airport in the afternoon”, advice bandied about by locals. Unfortunately some of us do not heed the advice. The crowd in the pic is only half of what it was when we first started to wait. PVR schedules about twenty planes in hour between 2pm and 3pm. Don’t ask me...

A year’s worth of experiences

A year’s worth of experiences

This collection of articles came from a column in a section of the Northumberland news, called “Forever Young”. There are fourteen pages in this collection so keep turning pages as they are in particular order or style.

We fix dogs

We fix dogs

Chiropractic Medicine is not just for humans; this Doctor deals with animals and is highly successful.

Spring renewals

Spring renewals

Spring Rituals have been observed for Millennia, this is the story of two of them – Spring Farming and Personal/ Spiritual Renewal.

A couple with a dream

A couple with a dream

This story is another one about a couple with a dream – combine music with food – and how they succeeded.